Animal News

Heartwarming Tale of Friendship: Two Malformed Dogs Find Love and Happiness – Animal News 2023

These 2 Malformed Dogs Became BBFs After Same Family Adopted Them5

Discover the heartwarming journey of Two Malformed Dogs, Picasso and Newt, as they find love and happiness despite their physical challenges. Follow their remarkable bond of friendship and resilience in this inspiring story.

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Picasso’s Remarkable Journey – Two Malformed Dogs

At just five years old, Picasso and his friend, Two Malformed Dogs, carry a unique story. Born with a deformed nose, Picasso battles a condition known as wrymouth, which causes one side of his jaw to develop more than the other, resulting in a striking resemblance to the famous artist Pablo Picasso’s distinctive style. While wrymouth is not painful, it poses challenges and reduces the chances of adoption for dogs like Picasso and Two Malformed Dogs. Despite their unique appearances, Picasso and his friends have thrived and found happiness

Two Malformed Dogs Became BFFs After Being Adopted 5 Years Apart

Newt’s Tale of Resilience

Newt, the one-year-old companion, faced adversity of a different kind. Losing his upper jaw due to a tragic accident when his mother bit him, Newt’s survival itself was a miracle. His journey has been marked by challenges, but surprisingly, his lack of an upper jaw is not the most significant obstacle he’s overcome. Newt’s spirit and resilience shine through, making him an inspiration to all who meet him.

The Remarkable Bond of Friendship

Picasso and Newt’s friendship transcends their physical challenges. These two extraordinary dogs adore people and seek attention wherever they go. Their outgoing nature and boundless love have a profound impact on everyone they meet. While people may initially do double takes, their hearts are warmed as they witness the genuine love and connection between Picasso and Newt. These dogs have adapted to their unique circumstances, living life to the fullest.

These 2 Malformed Dogs Became BBFs After Same Family Adopted Them2

In Liesl Wilhardt’s Luvable Dog Rescue, Picasso and Newt have found not only a loving home but also a platform to share their incredible journey. Liesl’s dedication to showcasing their daily activities, including heartwarming moments of feeding and play, as well as outdoor adventures like hikes and berry picking, provides a glimpse into their extraordinary lives.

With nearly 400,000 followers on Picasso’s Instagram account, their story has touched the hearts of people worldwide. Picasso, with his exceptional temperament, is not just a beloved companion but also a certified therapy dog and an ambassador for Luvable Dog Rescue. His days are spent making a difference in the lives of those with disabilities and illnesses.

These 2 Malformed Dogs Became BBFs After Same Family Adopted Them4

As Liesl Wilhardt expressed, Picasso and Newt have faced challenges, but their capacity for love and happiness knows no bounds. Their remarkable journey is a testament to the resilience of animals and the transformative power of unconditional love. We join Liesl in hoping that the rest of their lives continues to be nothing short of amazing.

Creator: PetsCareTip

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