
Teddy Bear Hamster Breed – 12 Facts You Need To Know


Let’s have a look at 12 Teddy Bear Hamster Facts that you may need to know!

A teddy bear hamster, also known as a long-haired Syrian hamster or golden hamster, is a type of hamster. It is larger than most dwarf hamsters and has a fluffy coat similar to that of a teddy bear. Because hamsters are nocturnal creatures, the teddy bear hamster is most active at night. Nonetheless, they are undeniably good pets and are popular among pet owners due to their affectionate nature, inquisitive personalities, and low-maintenance needs.

Teddy Syrian Hamster Breed Profile

OriginSyria, Turkey
HabitatCage or aquarium
Scientific name Mesocricetus auratus
Size 4.8 to 6.2 inches (12-16 cm)
Weight:  100 to 150 grams
Color   Lots of colors; black or red eyes
Lifespan   1.5 to 2 years in average
Personality   Easy to tame, fluffy fur, need careful grooming

1. Where Does Teddy Bear Hamsters Come From?

These long-haired Syrian hamsters are originally from Syria. These little guys are super cute with their ““teddy bear looks” and they make the best pets because they’re so friendly. But get this, they’re not just for keeping in your house – they live in the wild too, chilling in burrows underground.

Over in Syria, they call them “wild hamsters” and people love these fluffy critters because they’re just so cute. Out in the wild, they hang out in dry, hot areas and make these dope burrows underground to stay cool. It’s dope to learn about these cool creatures and their natural habitats, but we also gotta make sure to keep their homes safe so they can keep doing their thing and thriving.

Teddy bear hamster breed

2. Teddy Bear Hamsters Appearance & Colors

  • What Does a Teddy Bear Hamster Look Like?

Teddy bear hamsters have stocky legs and feet and a small, spherical body. Their fur is silky golden-brown. Because of their barrel-shaped bodies, these adorable hamsters appear stocky. They have short, stubby tails, long, thin ears, and small dark eyes that appear round and glassy. Their tails are almost completely concealed beneath their fur. Their nose is pink, and their legs are small and stumpy.

  • Hamsters Size

Are you thinking of obtaining a pet hamster but aren’t sure which breed to get? Take a look at this cuddly hamster! This hamster breed, often known as the golden hamster, is only 4 to 6 inches long on average. If you want a somewhat larger hamster, the teddy bear hamster can grow to be 6 inches long, which is double the size of its dwarf hamster cousins. These hamsters are not only adorable due to their teddy bear-like appearance, but their small size makes them ideal for folks with little room.

  • Colors and Patterns

Their fur may be solid or feature a variety of colors and patterns. Many different colors found in hamsters range from cinnamon and gray to black and gold and even cream, white, and chocolate. They typically have a white underbelly. However, they can also have markings and designs all over their bodies that are either light or dark. With so many coat colors to pick from, you might fall in love with a black or dark hamster, or you might prefer something brighter and more vibrant.

3. How Long Does Teddy Bear Hamster Live For and Their Breeding

  • Lifespan of a teddy bear

Syrian hamsters live much shorter lives in the wild than domesticated hamsters. The average lifespan of a wild teddy bear hamster is 1 to 2 years.

Pet teddy bear hamsters, on the other hand, can live for up to 3 years.  The world record for the longest living hamster exists. The hamster in the Guiness World Records book lived to the age of 4.5 years!

  • Breeding Season

Their life span is short, so they are sexually mature at 6 weeks. But they shouldn’t be bred until they are about 6 months old.

When a female hamster goes into heat, she becomes receptive to males. If she didn’t go into heat, she wouldn’t let a male mate with her. Heat means that they are in the part of their Estrous cycle where they can get pregnant. This is similar to the ovulation part of a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Hamsters have short estrous cycles that only last 4 days. Since they like to be alone, it’s not a good idea to keep a male and female together for a long time. Once a hamster is pregnant, the pregnancy lasts about 16 days.

They usually have between 6 and 12 pups at once, but some may have as many as 20.

Teddy bear hamster breed

4. Teddy Bear Hamsters Behavior and Temperament

  • When it comes to their behavior, hamsters are nocturnal, being active at night and preferring to sleep during the day. So if you’re a late-night person, these guys are perfect for you.
  • As a pet, they’re pretty easy to take care of. All you’ll need is a hamster cage with some bedding and you’re all set.
  • They’re also pretty domesticated, so you won’t have to worry about them biting or scratching you too much. Plus, they’re super friendly and love to be held and cuddled.
  • They are inquisitive and active, so they will like roaming, digging, and exploring! However, if they become afraid or startled, they may bite. They may be little, but their bites can be painful! So, when you want to handle your hamster, try not to surprise him.
  • Speak to him first before reaching into his cage, especially if he is sleeping. Not your fingers, but your words will wake him up!

5. Are Teddy Bear Hamsters Good Pets?

If you’re familiar with these hamsters, they make great pets and are full of unique characteristics that make them a joy to be around. Hamsters make great pets. They’re super cute and cuddly, and they’re generally pretty easy to care for.

Of course, like any pet, a hamster might require some attention and effort on pet owners. But if you’re willing to provide fresh water and food, a clean cage, and plenty of toys and bedding, your pet hamster will be happy as can be. Just keep in mind that teddy bear hamsters may sometimes be a bit more rambunctious than other breeds, so you might need to give them a little space to run around and play.

6. Teddy Bear Hamster Health Problems

Common diseases for teddy bear hamsters

  • Wet Tail

    Because of their long coats, they are very likely to get wet tail disease (proliferative ilaitis). The Lawsonia intracellularis bacterium gets into the intestines and causes symptoms like loss of appetite, lethargy, liquid or bloody diarrhea, dull coat and eyes, irritability, dehydration, and a red, raw, sore-infested bottom. If you don’t treat your pet for wet tail disease with antibiotics, fluids, and medicine for diarrhea, it can die in 48 hours.
  • Diabetes

    They can lose insulin and how they use sugar like people. The glucose can then get into the bloodstream, causing “high blood sugar” that puts stress on the kidneys and other organs. Diabetes in hamsters can cause excessive thirst, trembling, an unsteady gate, a fast heartbeat, lethargy, breathing problems, changes in behavior like extreme irritability or unusual aggression, lack of coordination, and even coma. Feed your pet high-quality hamster food, grains, hay, and a little bit of fruit or vegetable every day to prevent diabetes and other diseases. Limit “treats” to 10% of the diet and give them plenty of clean water.
  • Cancer

    Malignant or benign tumors are more likely in older pets, especially females. Thyroid, adrenal, and reproductive cancers are common. Hair loss, lumps, and odd behavior are signs. Internal or glandular tumors may be inoperable, but external tumors are easy for your veterinarian to remove. In extreme cases, your vet may recommend euthanasia.
  • Salmonellosis

    If a teddy bear hamster eats food contaminated with salmonella, it could get “salmonellosis,” a disease of the intestines that can cause rapid weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, and even death. To avoid salmonellosis, wash your hands after touching your pet. Antibiotics are a part of early treatment. When a disease gets worse, euthanasia may be needed.
  • Urinary Stones

If your hamster’s urine is excessive or dark, or the bedding is stained or bloody, call the vet. These may indicate a urinary tract disorder or urinary stones, which block urea from reaching the kidneys. Bladder stones can also cause difficulty urinating, lethargy, hunger, and thirst. If your pet has bladder stones, he may need surgery and antibiotics afterward.

7. How To Take Care Of A Teddy Bear Hamster?

Taking care of a new animal is a lot of work, especially in its first few days. Once they are used to you, you may not have to work as hard to take care of them.

It’s best to let the hamster get used to its new home and owners before you try to handle it. This could take some time. After this, you can start to handle them for a few minutes every day to get them used to it. Make sure you do this carefully and gently so that you don’t hurt them.

Don’t ever come up to them in a way that might scare or startle them. You have to correct this behavior and tame them in order to teach them not to bite you. You can do this by making them think it’s for their own good, which you can do by giving them treats every time you handle a hamster.

Once they are used to being handled, you can let them out of the cage for a while while you watch them so they can get some exercise and explore. However, not everyone needs to do this.

You can only let your teddy hamster out of their cage if you feel comfortable doing so. If you don’t feel comfortable, they can get enough exercise in their cage if you put some obstacles or toys in there to keep them physically and mentally active.

Hamsters are mostly self-sufficient and don’t need us all that much in the long run. They only depend on us for things like food, water, and keeping their homes clean. Make sure you clean their cage often and give them food and water that are fresh.

To keep them healthy and fed, take away the leftover food and give them fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

8. Teddy Bear Hamsters Feeding Guide

What can hamster eat?

Hamsters like to eat seeds, grains, nuts, broken corn, fruits, and vegetables. Wild hamsters eat bugs, frogs, lizards, and other small animals. The Canadian Federation of Humane Societies says that at least 16% of their food should be protein and 5% should be fat.

Confused about what to feed your hamster?

  1. Try a mix of fresh produce, nuts, grains, and seeds. Pellets and other prepackaged foods are readily available and make for a healthy diet for your hamster. If you give your hamster this kind of food, you should also give it some fresh fruits and vegetables.
  2. Don’t give them a lot of fruit because of the high concentration of sugar in most varieties. Sugar, syrups, honey, and other sweeteners can easily go overboard in treats and other snacks, so they too should be given in moderation.
  3. Always have clean water available for your teddy hamster. Hamsters don’t need much water—just 10–20 ml—but they should be given some every day.


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What can hamster not eat?

Almonds and peanuts, for example, are not the best foods for a hamster to consume for a variety of reasons. These foods have an excessive amount of calories for a hamster to consume and still remain healthy. Also some food below:

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine (chocolate, tea, coffee, etc.)
  • Sugary foods
  • Nightshade vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes)
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Processed foods
  • Citrus (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, etc.)
  • Seasonings

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Teddy bear hamster breed

9. How To Breed A Teddy Bear Hamster?

Are you ready to embark on the exciting journey of breeding your very own Teddy Bear Hamster? First and foremost, it’s essential to educate yourself on proper hamster care. There are various breeds of hamster, but the Teddy Bear is a popular choice due to its adorable appearance and friendly disposition.

When it comes to caring for a Teddy, ensuring they have a spacious cage, a balanced diet, and regular exercise is crucial. It’s recommended to select a healthy and compatible pair of hamsters and allow them to mate naturally. Keep an eye on their behavior and monitor any signs of stress or health issues.

The process of breeding is not without its challenges, but with patience and perseverance, you can raise a happy and healthy litter of adorable ones. Don’t be afraid to seek guidance from experienced breeders and always prioritize the well-being of your furry little friends. Happy breeding!

10. What Is The Best Cage For Teddy Bear Hamsters? – Find Hamster Houses

Wire cages are less secure than plastic cages and glass tanks, as a general rule; however, if the top of the enclosure is open, your pet could still potentially escape. Make sure that the top of any cage you use has a lid that is securely fastened and that your hamster cannot push up or slide underneath.

Related Posts: Top 9 Best Cage for Hamsters

11. Best Toys For Hamster Breeds

When it comes to choosing toys for your hamster, there are a few options that are particularly popular. Two common toys for them are wooden chew sticks and tunnels. Wooden chew sticks are a great way for your hamster to keep their teeth healthy, while tunnels provide a fun way for them to burrow and explore. Another popular toy for any hamsters is the classic hamster wheel, which offers an excellent source of exercise. Hamster exercise balls are also a great way for your furry friend to stretch their legs while exploring their surroundings.

  • Wooden Chew Sticks

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  • Tunnels

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  • Hamster Wheel:

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  • Hamster Exercise Ball:

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12. Teddy Bear Hamsters For Sale

Do you think about buying a hamster from a pet shop? Syrian hamsters are relatively cheap, which is yet another reason to consider getting one. Taking care of these critters won’t break the bank like larger pets would. Buying all the necessary equipment and food for a golden hamster can be the most costly part of getting one. Costs for a hamster and its accessories change from store to store. After this initial investment, however, caring for them won’t cost you much at all.

How Much Does A Teddy Bear Hamster Cost?

Quality hamsters from a breeder will cost more than those from a pet store, but they will be worth the investment. Buying a new hamster and all of the accessories it requires is an expensive endeavor.

Teddy Bear hamster: $15 – $35 (USD)
Cage: $15 – $300 (USD)
Accessories (wheel, bedding, nesting box): $25 – $65 (USD)
Food: $5 – $15 (USD)

13. Teddy Bear Hamster FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Teddy Bear Hamster vs. the Fancy Hamster

Fancy Hamsters and Teddy Bear Hamsters are the same kind of animal. There are differences in how they look. For example, the fur on a Fancy Bear Hamsters will have patterns like bands or spots. Hamsters with short coats look better. They also cost more when you buy them from pet stores. Those are the only things that make them different.

  • Why do teddy bear hamsters die?

There are many things that can cause a teddy bear hamster to die too soon. Poor care, like not getting enough exercise or eating badly, is a common cause. Hamsters need to be able to exercise every day and eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables to stay healthy. Because of their genes, some hamsters may be more likely to get certain diseases. It may also die too soon because of an infection, an injury, or something in its environment, like high temperatures or toxins.

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  • Do teddy bear hamsters hibernate?

Teddy bear hamsters don’t hibernate. Even though hamsters are often thought to sleep during the winter, teddy bear hamsters don’t do this. One of the interesting facts is that hamsters are solitary and prefer to live alone. They are one of the most common types of hamsters kept as pets because they look cute, are friendly, and don’t need much care. So, you don’t have to worry about hibernation if you have a teddy bear hamster as pets.

  • Why is my teddy bear hamster shaking?

Oh, don’t worry too much about your little hamster shaking! It’s completely natural and actually a sign that your little critter is happy and content. Teddy bear hamsters love to shake and twitch, especially when they’re playful or excited. So, the next time you see your hamster shaking, just sit back and enjoy the adorable little show. It’s just one of the many cute and quirky traits that make them such great pets!

  • Why is my teddy bear hamster squeaking?

There are a few potential causes for your teddy bear hamster’s squeaking. It’s important to keep an eye on its actions because one possible explanation is that it’s in pain or discomfort. Alternatively, it may be trying to have some sort of conversation, either with you or with other hamsters. Your hamster may just be acting normally; some species are more talkative than others. Overall, it’s best to keep a close eye on your hamster and get professional help if you notice anything out of the ordinary.

  • Do teddy bear hamsters stink?

These hamsters are undeniably cute and cuddly, making them popular choices as children’s pets. However, many people wonder if they stink. The answer is that it depends on how often their hamster houses or cages are cleaned. If a hamster cage is not cleaned regularly, it will start to emit an unpleasant odor. But as long as their housing is cleaned frequently, they  should not have a noticeable smell. So, the key is to ensure that hamster cages come with regular cleaning!

  • Do teddy bear hamsters bite?

We usually consider teddy bear hamster as a pet. As with any hamster species, it’s important to handle them with care and sensitivity as they have sharp teeth and can bite if they feel threatened or agitated. When introducing a new hamster into your home, it’s important to create a comfortable and stress-free environment for them. The hamster will need to feel safe and secure in order to trust you and avoid biting. With patience and proper handling, it’s possible to build a loving relationship with your furry friend.

  • Do teddy bear hamsters like sand baths?

Taking care of a teddy bear hamster is a fun and rewarding experience, especially when you witness the little hamster pup grow up healthy and happy. Providing them with a comfortable wire cage and appropriate food is not enough. Did you know that teddy bear hamsters like sand baths? Yes, it’s true! Treating your furry friend to a pet store sand bath can help regulate their oil glands and keep their coat clean, shiny and soft. So let’s make sure to include sand baths in the care routine of our beloved pets, and watch them thrive!

  • Can teddy bear hamsters live together?

It is not recommended to house more than one in a cage together due to the solitary nature of this species. Injuries and illnesses can result from two hamsters sharing a cage due to territorial disputes and bullying. Because of the need for privacy, it is recommended that they be kept apart.

As a result, it’s best to keep them apart as much as possible so that they each have their own space.


It’s difficult to resist the adorableness of a Syrian (Teddy Bear) hamster. Do your research before succumbing to a weak moment and purchasing one. The responsibility, though small, is not. Your family might benefit greatly from this pet, which can also bring a lot of joy for many years.

Creator: PetsCareTip

Vin PetCare

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