
Korat – Mixed Cat Breed Characteristics & Facts


According to descriptions of them in ancient literature, the silver-blue cats with the emerald-green eyes are thought to have existed in the 14th century, check out the list of Korat traits below!

Korat Mixed Cat Breed Picture

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Korat – Mixed Cat Breed Characteristics

Affectionate with Family
Amount of Shedding
General Health
Potential for Playfulness
Tendency to Vocalize
Friendly Toward Strangers
Easy to Groom
Pet Friendly

Vital Stats:

Life span:10 to 15 years
15 to 18 inches
Weight:6 to 10 pounds


Dispatch, rabbit’s foot. In his native Thailand, where he is also known as the Si-Sawat cat, the Korat is a real-life lucky charm. According to descriptions of them in ancient literature, the silver-blue cats with the emerald-green eyes are thought to have existed in the 14th century. Always given in pairs, they were well-liked presents with special significance when given to brides because of their connection to abundance and fertility.

The area in northeast Thailand where the cats are believed to have first appeared bears the name Korat. When Korats first arrived in the West is unknown. In 1896, a cat that looked like a Korat was displayed at a show in England, but it is unknown whether the cat was actually a Korat (pronounced ko-raht) or merely a self-blue Siamese, which means solid-colored. In 1959, the United States imported its first known Korats.

They were appropriately given to an American couple who were moving back home after the husband retired from the Foreign Service. Two years after Korat breeders established the Korat Cat Fanciers Association to advance the breed, the Cat Fanciers Association officially recognized the breed in 1967.

All Korats can trace their ancestry back to Thailand, no matter where they live. They are a natural breed that has never undergone any outcrossing in order to develop or produce another breed. All of the major cat associations accept them.


The weight range of this medium-sized cat is 6 to 10 pounds.


The intelligent, opinionated Korat is a jealous defender of his people. He prefers to remain nearby and won’t leave them for guests. He devotes his heart to one or two individuals whose company he enjoys or with whom he spends the most time, but he is also open to receiving love from other people. Before getting a Korat, be aware of this tendency in case having a cat follow you around constantly drives you crazy.

No Korat lives alone. He thrives with company, whether it be another animal or a person who works from home. There must be a reason why they were typically always given in pairs. A Korat who is frequently ignored or left alone may exhibit aggressive behavior or separation anxiety. However, this does not mean that adult Korats cannot change their preferences.

Cats moved into new homes quickly adjust and form strong relationships with their new family. This cat is vivacious and likes to play fetch, learn new tricks, and even walk on a leash. If you give the Korat attention, a satisfied “Good cat” sound, or a treat as a reward, it’s simple to teach him household rules. Just shout “No!” or clap your hands to correct mistakes. If you have multiple cats, make sure there are enough toys for everyone.

The Korat did not learn how to share in kittygarten and can be resistant to handing over toys or other items that he regards as belonging to him. The Korat is typically a quiet cat who enjoys a quiet environment, despite the fact that he can be bold and have clear likes and dislikes. He isn’t known for talking much, but when he needs to communicate something, he can make a variety of noises, from a chirp to a scream. If you enjoy having a lap cat, go with the Korat. He’ll be happy to satisfy this desire whenever you’d like.


Pedigreed and mixed-breed cats both have varying rates of health issues that could be genetic in origin. A genetic neuromuscular degenerative disease and low body fat, which can make them sensitive to anesthesia, are two issues buyers should be aware of even though Korats are generally healthy.

When cats are deficient in specific enzymes required for the healthy operation of the nervous system, GM1 and GM2 gangliosidosis develops. Fortunately, tests are available to determine which cats are carriers, making the condition rare. Since Korats typically have a low body fat percentage, veterinarians should consider this when deciding how much and what kind of anesthesia to administer when a Korat is having any kind of surgery.

Make sure to enquire about the prevalence of health issues in a breeder’s lines as well as any genetic testing that has been conducted. If one parent is positive or a carrier for GM1 or GM2, both parents should have been tested, and the kittens should have been as well.


The short, single coat of the Korat requires minimal grooming. Every week, comb it to get rid of any dead hairs. Rarely is a bath necessary. To prevent periodontal disease, brush your teeth. Although daily brushing is preferred, once a week is still preferable to never. Twice a month, trim your nails. To get rid of any discharge, use a soft, damp cloth to wipe the corners of your eyes.

To prevent the spread of any infection, use a different area of the cloth for each eye. Each week, check your ears. If they appear to be dirty, clean them with a cotton ball or soft, damp cloth dipped in a 50/50 solution of warm water and cider vinegar. Cotton swabs shouldn’t be used because they can harm the ear’s interior. Maintain a spotless litter box. Cats are extremely picky about bathroom cleanliness.

A Korat should only be kept indoors to prevent him from contracting illnesses from other cats, being attacked by dogs or coyotes, and other risks that face cats who go outside, like being hit by a car. Outdoor-going Korats also run the risk of being taken by someone who wants to keep such a stunning cat without having to pay for it.

Coat Design and Maintenance

One of Thailand’s most attractive exports is the Korat, with his silver-tipped blue coat and enormous green eyes that are “as sparkling as the dewdrops on a lotus leaf.” His heart-shaped head, broad ears, and alert demeanor are also noteworthy. Its eyes are blue at birth. His eyes change color as he gets older, becoming amber with a green ring around the pupil.

The cat’s eyes turn the distinctively brilliant green for which the breed is renowned by the time it is two to four years old. The hairs on the short single coat are a light blue color at the roots that deepen to a silver tip, creating a halo effect. Unlike some breeds, the silver-blue color of the coat is present from the moment a kitten is born, though some kittens may have so-called “ghost tabby” markings.

These ought to vanish as you get older. The lips, paw pads, and nose leather of the Korat range in color from lavender to dark blue.

Kids and other animals

Korats enjoy playing and picking up tricks, and they will appreciate the attention of a youngster who treats them with respect. They can make good playmates for kids if properly supervised. It tend to favor other Korats, like many cats from Southeast Asia.

They can get along with both dogs and other cats, but they demand to be in charge. Other animals might or might not like this. However, it enjoys company and will probably become good friends with another cat or dog if they spend a lot of time together.

Creator: PetsCareTip

Lý Tiểu Long

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