Japanese Bobtail – Mixed Cat Breed Characteristics & Facts
The distinguishing feature of the Japanese Bobtail breed is a short “bunny” tail with one or more curves, angles, or kinks, which can be rigid or flexible and can be flexible or rigid. The traits of the Japanese Bobtail are listed below.
Japanese Bobtail Mixed Cat Breed Picture
Japanese Bobtail – Mixed Cat Breed Characteristics
Affectionate with Family | ***** |
Amount of Shedding | *** |
General Health | **** |
Potential for Playfulness | ***** |
Tendency to Vocalize | * |
Kid-Friendly | ***** |
Friendly Toward Strangers | |
Easy to Groom | **** |
Intelligence | **** |
Pet Friendly | ***** |
Vital Stats:
Life span: | 9 to 15 years |
Length: | Medium |
Weight: | 6 to 10 pounds |
Origin: | China and Japan |
According to legend, the first bobtailed cats were presented to the Japanese emperor by the emperor of China. They have at least 1,000 years of history in the island nation. Their short tails were a naturally occurring trait that was later bred into them. Over the years, cats served as more than just imperial pets; they also served as guardians of grain supplies and defenders of the valuable silkworms, both of which were at risk from rodents.
Bobtails with a tricolor coat—red, black, and white—became recognized as lucky animal symbols. In 1968, three of the cats were brought to the country. The Cat Fanciers Association had recognized the shorthaired variety by 1976. It took until 1993 for the longhaired Japanese Bobtail to receive CFA recognition. Today, all North American registries accept the Japanese Bobtail.
A medium-sized cat, it weighs between 6 and 10 pounds.
A soft, chirpy voice will “talk” to you from this playful and affectionate cat. The breadth of his feline vocabulary will astound you. He isn’t at all loud, but he does have a lot to say and uses a variety of tones to say it. He’s probably carrying around a favorite toy or dipping his paw into your aquarium or koi pond when he’s not telling you about his day or asking about yours.
You might notice puddles next to his water dish or your faucets turned on because he enjoys playing with water. The Japanese Bobtail is a fun-loving, intelligent animal. He will enjoy the puzzle toys’ changing challenges and the fun of chasing a lure on a fishing pole toy. He is very adept at picking up tricks, and if he finds it amusing, he will even walk on a leash. But when you’re seated, anticipate that this affectionate cat will settle into your lap.
This cat is adaptable and does well on the road, making him a good choice for active families or people who enjoy living in an RV. The drawback is that he can be stubborn and that it can be challenging to convince him to change his mind about what is appropriate to do and what isn’t. He needs company because he is a social cat and prefers people or another Bobtail, but a dog will do in a pinch to keep him occupied while you are out working to pay for his food and toys.
Keep in mind that a bored Bobtail is an amazingly creative Bobtail—though perhaps not always in ways that you will find amusing.
Pedigreed and mixed-breed cats both have varying rates of health issues that could be genetic in origin. Japanese Bobtails are typically in good health, and the recessive gene that causes the bobtail is not linked to any abnormalities of the spine or bones. Make sure to enquire about the prevalence of health issues in a breeder’s lines as well as any genetic testing that has been conducted.
Both the shorthaired and longhaired varieties of the Japanese Bobtail are very simple to groom because they have little undercoat. Tangles are rare, and dead hairs can be removed with a weekly comb-over. Seasonal shedding affects both longhairs and shorthairs. It’s a good thing that a bath is rarely necessary because the coat is very water-resistant because it takes some effort to get a Japanese Bobtail wet enough to shampoo him.
Always be gentle when handling the tail, especially if it tends to be stiffer than flexible. To prevent periodontal disease, brush your teeth. Although daily brushing is preferred, once a week is still preferable to never. Twice a month, trim your nails. To get rid of any discharge, use a soft, damp cloth to wipe the corners of your eyes. To prevent the spread of any infection, use a different area of the cloth for each eye.
Each week, check your ears. If they appear to be dirty, clean them with a cotton ball or soft, damp cloth dipped in a 50/50 solution of warm water and cider vinegar. Cotton swabs shouldn’t be used because they can harm the ear’s interior. Maintain the litter box for the Japanese Bobtail’s cleanliness. Cats are extremely picky about bathroom cleanliness.
A longhaired Bobtail’s coat will stay clean with the help of a tidy litter box. A Japanese Bobtail cat should only be kept indoors in order to keep him safe from illnesses spread by other cats, dog or coyote attacks, and other risks that cats who go outside face, like being hit by a car. Japanese Bobtails that venture outside also run the risk of being taken by a person who wants to own such a stunning cat without having to pay for it.
Coat Design and Maintenance
The obvious distinguishing feature of this breed is its short “bunny” tail, which can be rigid or flexible and has one or more curves, angles, or kinks. It should ideally stick out from the body no more than three inches. On a shorthair, the fur fans out to resemble a pom-pom, while on a longhair, it resembles a blooming chrysanthemum. The breed’s cats all have distinctive tails.
The Japanese Bobtail is also well-known for its three-fur calico pattern, known as “mi-ke” (pronounced “mee-kay”), but other common hues include black and white and red and white. Additionally, he is available in solid, tortoiseshell, and tabby patterns. Sepia-toned or pointed coats are acceptable on some cat registries. This breed is distinguished by its bold, striking markings and vividly contrasting colors.
Any color, such as blue or odd-eyed (each eye a different color), may be used for the eyes. Short or long hair can be found on the silky coat. The cats have very little undercoat in both lengths. A ruff around the neck, long fur on the belly, and fur that is noticeably longer on the tail and upper hind legs (britches) than it is on the upper part of the body are all characteristics of longhaired Bobtails.
On their toes and ears, some animals have fur tufts. A finely chiseled head with high cheekbones, large oval eyes set at a slant, and large, upright, expressive ears is attached to his slender but muscular body. His long, slender legs are noticeably longer in the back, but they are angled so that the body remains level rather than rising up toward the rear.
Kids and other animals
The Bobtail is a fantastic match for families with children because he has a similar level of vigor. He is game for anything, including playing fetch, attending tea parties, dressing up in doll clothes, and being wheeled around in a baby carriage.
Children should always be watched to ensure they play and pet the cat nicely and don’t pull or twist his tail. Because of his friendly and fearless demeanor, he is content to live with dogs who get along with cats as well. To ensure that they learn to get along with one another, introduce pets gradually and under controlled conditions.
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